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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Some Basics of HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.It is the main language used by web browsers to send the request and to receive the response from the web server.

HTML is used only to design web pages and develop client side applications.
HTML is tag based language.It is not case sensitive.

HTML is very simple to learn and it contains many predefined tags that designate font,style,format and event the layout of the web page.

HTML is a text file containing small markup tags and these tags are surrounded by two angle brackets <>.

HTML file is saved with an extension of .html or .htm .

In the HTML file Head tag is used to display Title of the Web page.
Body tag is used to display actual content of web page.

Some main tags and their purpose:
br--This tag will insert a break line
hr--This tag will insert a Horizontal line
p---This tag defines a paragraph
b---This tag defines a bold text
i--- to display content in italic format.
h1--h6---This tag defines headings of different sizes
center--to display content in center
big--to display content in big font
address--- to display content in address format
sub --- to display content as subscript
sup ---to display content as super script
li--to display data in ordered or unordered lists

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